Been far too long – and…HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE! Huge update for you lovely people…
Hey folks, sorry it’s been a while!
There’s almost no chance I forgot the login so had to ask my website man Dunc for the passwords again – practically nothing to do with that at all. Sorted
Anyway – I’ve been crazy busy these past 3 months with endless teaching, writing with Smokescreen and for my new solo album, gigging all over the darn place and starting Examining for the Rockschool board, as well as lecturing at Coventry University again – so I’ve not been twiddling me thumbs!
I’ll have a string of new videos very soon, along with new website contact and launch info for the album – it’s coming – honest!
Until then, please visit me at and to stay updated regularly, I’ll be with you shortly!
Looking forward to my next gig, this Friday at Octavia’s in Wisbech – 7pm doors – cheers for now folks!
High fives and whatnot
Tommy Boy x