The Boys In The Photograph – Acoustic Cafe – Jazzfest – What’s next?….
Ello’ you lot – I hope you’re all well. As another busy giggy week draws to a close, I thought I’d catch up a bit and bung up a bit of the latest.
Firstly, HUGE thanks to the nice people at the South Holland Centre in Spalding. Emily and all the nice people involved with LOV, the other artists and my brother Sam for doing the PA – and of course, everyone who attended! Hope to be back soon 🙂
Next up, I had a great time playing guitar in the pit band for the Andrew Lloyd Webber Musical, ‘The Boys In The Photograph’ – originally called, ‘The Beautiful Game’ I believe. 4 gigs in 3 days – not the hardest score in the world, but as usual, the ol’ ‘2 hours of staring at the music and remembering when to come in’ wiped me out in the usual fashion. All good fun!
Finally, huge thanks to everyone who was involved with The Jazz Ball Fest ’13. The band I was proud to be a part of ‘Notorious 4’ did a fantastic job and we hope to be back again next year. RIP Jazz – fantastic bloke and friend/guitar legend to many
Next up, I’m playing Kings Lynn with Smokescreen this coming Friday 28th June with Just Over A year as support. More info coming soon on albums/gigs and much more
Cheers for now, enjoy your Sunday!
Happy twanging
Tommy x